This Training

is taught in English 

with Chinese (Mandarin) Translation.

*Accredited by Aurstralian Feldenkrais Guild

A letter from Alan Questel, the Educational Director

If you are interested in…

…learning…moving…discovering yourself…helping others …improving the quality of your life…becoming more creative…finding a new profession…realizing your dreams… liking yourself more…

…Whoever you are…whatever your dreams are…you will find new and creative means to personal and professional development through The Feldenkrais® Professional Training in Taiwan.

I have been training practitioners worldwide in over 40 trainings since 1994 and have come to realize that there are four fundamentally important elements necessary for you to learn the Feldenkrais Method®….

…First is your learning environment. One where you are free to discover, feel safe, make mistakes, not know everything beforehand and free to learn at your own pace.

…Second is the development of your confidence and self-reliance towards your competence and proficient skills to teach the Feldenkais Method®.

The third and fourth are intertwined …your personal and professional development. One informs and feeds the other throughout your training, to serve as the means for your continued development years after you graduate as a Feldenkrais® Practitioner.

I am interested and committed in providing you with a training that fulfills all of these elements in a way that is personal for you! Training programs have continued to evolve and improve since Dr. Feldenkrais’ early programs. Enhanced by innovations in learning, understanding what makes a more effective Feldenkrais® Practitioner and access to a much broader diversity of materials. Your training will be both the culmination and the continued development of this process.

The design of the program continues the tradition begun by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais utilizing the materials he created: lessons, videotapes, articles and books so you may develop a personal sense of who Moshe Feldenkrais was and how he worked.


● Exceeds the number of required training hours
● Provides additional private lessons (beyond international training accreditation policies). 
● Offers more supervised/feedback teaching opportunities in both class (ATM) and private work (FI). 
● Includes personal supervisions where you receive feedback directly from working with the staff. 
● Free access to Video and MP3 recordings of the entire training.

The training faculty is comprised of highly prominent and distinguished trainers who collectively bring decades of experience. Together we will help you will cultivate the keen observation, refined sensitivity, and new ways of thinking essential to practicing the method.

Most important, you can always feel free to contact me, now and throughout the training. I am here to directly answer your questions, concerns or issues and I will personally get right back to you.

I invite you to look through this website and consider whether a FELDENKRAIS® Professional Training in Taiwan is the right path for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

Alan Questel

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